Reasonable Accommodation Resources & Health Care Provider Certification
Reasonable accommodations can be pretty darn tricky. They entail time-intensive admin work and are laden with legally nuanced and complex circumstances, like having to collect some seriously personal medical information.
That's why we put together these resources to help you request medical information from a healthcare provider to assess an employee's need for reasonable accommodations.

Easy-to-use resources to navigate medical-related accommodation requests
- Letter acknowledging the employee's accommodation request, outlining next steps and request for information from a health care provider
- Template authorizing the release of medical information
- Accommodations questionnaire to be completed by an authorized health care provider
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This document is for informational purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended to nor should it be relied upon as legal advice. Some of the information contained in this document may be dated and may not reflect the most current legal developments. Please consult your own legal counsel before taking any action based on this document.