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NY Retail Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Template

New York’s Retail Worker Safety Act, S8358C, mandates that retailers adopt safety measures to prevent workplace violence including establishing a prevention policy. Ethena's template adheres to the law's standards and helps New York retailers quickly develop a workplace violence prevention policy for their organization.


Easy-to-use, customizable prevention plan

New York retailers must have a prevention policy or risk non-compliance penalties. Use this template to reinforce your commitment to a safe and secure workplace.

  • Outline your company's commitment to preventing acts of workplace violence
  • Identify channels through which employees can report acts of workplace violence
  • Communicate remedies available to victims of workplace violence
NY Retail Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Template

Legal Disclaimer

This is a SAMPLE Workplace Violence Prevention Policy template for New York retailers This document is for informational purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended to nor should it be relied upon as legal advice. Some of the information contained in this document may be dated and may not reflect the most current legal developments. Please consult your own legal counsel before taking any action based on this document.  

New York Retail Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Template